清凉的薄荷丝点缀着金黄的热情果酱,宛如性感的巴西女郎摆动着艳丽的长舞裙。这个夏天与它的初次相遇,注定将会展开一段美妙之旅… 清香的酸味挑逗着味蕾,绵软的慕斯在口中化开,蛋糕的甜腻消失得无影无踪,一股夏日的激情随即席卷全身,无法抗拒。 The mint was interspersed on the granadilla jam,like the sexy Brazilian girl in gorgeous dress dancing on the street.This summer,your first encounter will be destined for beginning a wonderful journey… The fresh sour flirt with your tongue, and the soft mousse melt away in the mouth without over sweet. Maybe you can’t resist such this passion sweeping across your body.